Sunday, April 24, 2011

The War for Independence (to Valley Forge)

Key issues which cause the war

American colonists upset with British limits on individual freedoms, such as the right to assemble as groups.

American colonists upset with British taxation without representation. What does this mean? Taxation without representation means that the British government was putting taxes on land, property and on imports to the colonies, such as paper and tea, without letting the American colonists have a seat at Parliament, which is equivalent to Congress today.

Important individuals

Here is a small list of some of the more important players involved with the war:

King George III - the monarch of Great Britain at the time and target of hatred by many revolutionaries.

Benjamin Franklin - American scientist, writer, inventor, political genius. Franklin, along with John Adams and others helped move the colonies to favor independence.

John Adams - an American revolutionary. Adams was instrumental in the writing of the Declaration of Independence as well as getting colonial delegates to move toward independence.

Thomas Jefferson - at this point in time, a delegate to the Second Continental Congress from the colony of Virginia. Jefferson, known for his writing talent, was chosen by Adams and Franklin to write the Declaration of Independence.

General George Washington - a hero of the French and Indian War, Washington was nominated by John Adams to become commander in chief of the Continental Army.

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